
Netanel Shpigel

Netanel Shpigel

Techno-Pedagogy Officer

​Netanel Shpigel is responsible for techno-pedagogy at the Mandel School for Educational Leadership. Before joining the staff of the Mandel Foundation–Israel, he was the coordinator of techno-pedagogy at the National Library of Israel’s department of education and culture. Prior to that, he was involved in establishing a center for innovation and entrepreneurship at Herzog College. Netanel has extensive knowledge of pedagogy and learning processes, as well as considerable experience and understanding of the fields of design and user experience. He also specializes in integrating pedagogical content into appropriate digital templates, while addressing the user experience. Netanel holds a bachelor's degree in education from Herzog Academic College and a master's degree in Biblical studies from Bar-Ilan University. He is a graduate of user experience (UI/UX) studies at Netcraft College and a graphic design course at Shenkar College. Netanel is also a graduate of SUT – Starting Up Together, a multi-cultural program of the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation.