Dr. Yehuda Maimaran

Dr. Yehuda Maimaran

Faculty Member

​Prior to his work at Mandel, Dr. Yehuda Maimaran was CEO of the Alliance Israélite Universelle, where he worked within Israel’s formal education system to promote educational excellence for all students, regardless of their socioeconomic status or geographical location, and to advance Jewish-Zionist education that emphasizes mutual responsibility and social engagement. In the public and communal arena, Yehuda has worked to create a shared Jewish-social language and to develop and cultivate leadership groups. In 2014, he was awarded the Peleg Prize for promoting understanding, acceptance, and cooperation between different sectors of the Jewish world. Yehuda founded the Morasha program to promote Jewish education and community engagement, which encompassed more than 100 schools in both the state and state-religious education streams. He also established Memizrach Shemesh, a center for Jewish social activism and leadership that educates according to the social values of the Sephardi and Mizrahi heritage. He also served as principal of the Moreshet elementary and middle school in Mevaseret Zion. Yehuda holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and philosophy, a master’s degree in clinical psychology, and a doctorate in Jewish education, all from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In his work at the Mandel School for Educational Leadership, Yehuda heads the area of education, is responsible for the series of workshops offered to fellows, and leads the admissions process. He is a graduate of Cohort 3 of the School.